Art is sharing yourself with the world

Skeli is a passionate Artist who uses the 3D Medium for his works. He puts feelings and emotions into his artworks that it really comes through in the end. He loves to express himself through his art, and he truly shows the viewer what is inside of him. His Works helped him and his Followers get through a difficult time in their lives. He is thankful for the people who encourage him and believe in him. As an artist, he believes he can change people’s lives with it. He gets a lot of joy out of sharing his work with others.

“Overwhelmed” is a piece which speaks of getting trapped when being overwhelmed.

It’s a visualization of getting buried by work, messages, notifications and all other noise. Things just keep adding up and you don’t know where to start, so you leave everything by side and things just keep adding up.

You can easily develop frustration and think about yourself of not being able handle things.

It’s a long and difficult process. You can escape the trap and be in peace with yourself.

– Skeli

Fear was the most powerful emotion that followed me through childhood. Fear from my father, fear from being myself, fear of doing what I loved. Fear of disappointing him. Fear of becoming someone I shouldn’t. Fear of getting beaten by him. All things were connected and messed up my mental health. I didn’t know how I am, what am I allowed to do, what could make him angry… were questions I asked myself every single day. It was hard… I didn’t want to live… I couldn’t stop crying every night… I was hopeless… and still I thought this was normal. Creating this piece brought up emotions which I sealed away for a long time. Sharing it with the world might bring some piece? I don’t know, let’s see. Now I am in a place in life where I still struggle, still searching for who i am and what to do with myself. It’s a never-ending path, each day is a challenge and each day i have to believe in myself to overcome the horrible past and keep a smile up. On the walls I wrote some sentences which I will never forget, his classics, his most used words. There is also one with my own thoughts. I wish no one has to experience what I did..

– Skeli

I believe that if you think about good things, good things will happen. If you believe that good things can happen, then there is a chance that these things will become reality. If you always think of the worst, first. Then you are more likely being scared to try.

„While we try to achieve our goals, we have to reach for opportunities and believe that we can succeed. Our goals are close and we need to reach and stretch as much as we can to collect.“

– Skeli

Fun is a piece about how much i enjoy doing what I do.
Sometimes you just don’t feel creating something specific, every Artist went through that phase at least one in their life.

I hope that the viewer of this piece sees something fun and enjoys all the colors.

Let your mind take you where it wants to be, be free and have fun!

– Skeli